Marlow Navigation  Activity at Cuyab Elementary School(CES)

During his visit to Marlow Navigation’s partner school, CES, George Hoyt was profoundly moved by the warm welcome he received. Serenaded by the melodious beats of drums and lyres, skillfully played by talented students, George was captivated by their musical prowess. Enthusiastically joining in, he requested songs to play along while his heart swelling with joy. In the classrooms, George was deeply impressed by the students' enthusiasm for learning and their contributions to every activity and discussion. Visiting three classrooms, he felt a remarkable sense of connection and warmth, reaffirming the profound impact of his presence. After a fruitful discussion about the successful implementation of the Adopt a Ship program at CES, George bid farewell and gifted the school supervisor with an IMO pin as recognition of her unwavering commitment to education and sustainable development. As he traversed the school campus, George was greeted with cheerful waves and infectious smiles, cementing the unity and camaraderie of the school community.